0 Be Still (Live at Mystic)

Here is another song that Nick and I did in our little impromptu living room concert back in August 2011. The dog, Waldo, was apparently trying to lick someone’s dinner plate and was getting reprimanded toward the beginning of the song. What can you do about dog drama? 😉 We played a slightly extended version of the song since Nick was there to do some gorgeous soloing on top of it.

This is a song I wrote back in September of 2010 while we were going through a bit of a rocky time financially and not knowing from month to month how we would pay the bills or put food on the table. I hope this song can speak and minister to anyone else who has gone through, or is currently going through a similar trial.
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0 Help Me Get It Right (Live at Mystic)

This is a song I wrote in April 2011 based on the familiar passage found in James 3 about controlling the tongue. This version is part of a little impromptu late night living room concert down in Grants Pass, Oregon on August 18, 2011. My amazingly talented friend, Nick Garrett-Powell joined me with some fantastic accompaniment even though this was the first time he had heard the song!
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0 Where Your Glory Dwells (live)

This is an original worship song I wrote on June 8, 2009 based on parts of both Psalm 26 & 27. This song will be featured on the upcoming worship album “Adoration” along with several others.

I wash my hands in innocence, and go about your altar, Lord, proclaiming aloud your praise and telling of all your wonderful deeds. Lord, I love the house where you live, the place where your glory dwells.
Psalm 26:6-8

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